There are rumors spreading across many communities and in those circumstances it is best to help provide facts:
FPS provides a welcoming learning environment where everyone is entitled to a high-quality education, regardless of immigration status.
Our facilities are locked and visitors only access our schools with permission.
If an ICE agent comes to any school building or office with a warrant or court order, an administrator will immediately contact the Superintendent’s Office. The Superintendent’s Office will review the warrant or court order provided by the agent and will contact the caregiver(s) and legal counsel before any action is taken.
A warrant or court order is like a permission slip, it says exactly what the authorities can search for or who they can talk to, it does not give permission for authorities to walk through a building. A valid warrant must be signed by a judge.
Caregiver contact and emergency contact information must be up to date. Contact your child’s school directly with any changes in the event that the school needs to reach you.
I will continue to stay in contact with the Office of the Attorney General, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (MASS), our city’s elected and appointed leaders, and our school community to ensure protections for our students to the extent of the law.
On behalf of our dedicated educators, support staff, and administrators, please be assured the safety of the students in our care is our primary concern.
Very truly yours,
Bob Tremblay, Superintendent
Framingham Public Schools