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Inclusion Classrooms: The inclusion classroom consists of a certified special educator who rotates through the student's schedule in order to ensure that the student on an IEP understands the curriculum and is meeting his/her responsibilities. Individual and small group assistance is provided within the standard curriculum classroom. In addition, the student has a daily support class with their special educator on their team. The special educator provides consultation to standard curriculum teachers regarding student's learning style and educational needs. The special educator and teacher assistant ensure that accommodations are being implemented in the standard curriculum classroom. 

Intellectual Impairments (II): This program serves students who have significant intellectual and learning challenges. Some students in the program have significant weaknesses in the areas of social skills activities of daily living. The program focuses on functional life skills and knowledge about community, in order to function as independently as possible. Other students in the program have excellent social skills and benefit from a more traditional academic curriculum, with the academic curriculum provided in a slower rate. This program has the capacity to work with both types of students, as we offer both a functional life skills curriculum and a curriculum, which mirrors the standard curriculum. Students are grouped into multi-grade classes according to ability levels. There is a three-year curriculum sequence. Students receive academic instruction in language arts, reading, math, science, and social studies. Students also take an academic support class for review and reinforcement of academic content. Students receive all academic instruction from certified special educators. Students take different subjects with different special education teachers, so they have the middle school experience of moving from class to class. Students who are in the functional life skills group participate in a vocational program. Performing various jobs around the building (e.g., delivering newspapers, emptying recycling bins) helps them to develop greater independence and provides opportunity for hands on, practical learning. Students in this program run a café that is open on selected Fridays throughout the school year.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): The program serves students on the Autism Spectrum who require more social-pragmatic, academic, and behavioral support. The programs provide intensive behavioral training relying upon ABA principles and total communication techniques in order to develop social skills and academic readiness skills. The program blends social/developmental as well as behavioral approaches whenever possible to address the educational challenges faced by this population of students. In addition to the special education teacher and teacher assistant, there is a teacher aide in the classroom.