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At the core of Fuller Middle School is a sense of pride and unity in our diverse community, where students are innovators and architects of their own learning and future. ~ Fuller's Vision
Every day at Fuller, our CORE Values, or guiding principles, drive our school wide culture. These core values are taught and then reinforced daily with every student. We expect all students to demonstrate Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience towards everyone and in every situation.
January 13 - School Council (6:00pm), PTO (7:00pm) at Fuller Middle School
January 20 - No School in Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 23 - Early Release (11:40am), Caregiver Conferences (Virtual); Fuller Fundraiser at Heart City Cafe
January 28-29 - ACCESS testing for all Emergent Bilingual students 8:15-10:30; all students not taking ACCESS will arrive at school at 10:40 (homeroom begins at 11:00 and lunch will be served) - we will be sending out more communication about this schedule.
January 30 - Early Release (11:40am), Caregiver Conferences (Virtual)
Caregiver Conferences: January 23, January 30, February 6
Title I Compact Information
We are excited to announce an opportunity to support female or non-binary identifying 8th grade students who are interested in STEM to join Eureka! This will be a monthly opportunity during the school day on the 4th Wednesday of the month from 1:15-2:25. This program continues through the summer with amazing opportunities to visit colleges and corporations invested in STEM education and careers.
Girls Inc. of Worcester inspires girls to be strong, smart and bold. One of our elite programs, Eureka!, is a year-round, five-year STEM intensive program that engages and empowers 8th-12th grade girls as they develop confidence and discover leadership and academic opportunities in STEM fields.
We are now serving the MetroWest area! This includes areas such as Ashland, Framingham, Hopkinton, Marlborough, Natick, and Wayland. Apply to be part of this incredible STEM & Leadership program.
If you are interested in joining this exciting opportunity, you can sign up using this link.
You can also let a teacher, school counselor, or administrator know and we will help you sign up.
Teams will be reaching out to the families who signed up the day before their scheduled conferences with a reminder and virtual link.
If you are unable to attend any of the dates/times available, you can reach out to one of your child's teachers to request a conference on an alternate date. We will also be having conferences on May 15, 22, and 29.
Every year the state of Massachusetts requires all Emergent Bilingual (classified as English Language Learner) students to take the ACCESS test, which assesses students' progress/proficiency towards English language acquisition in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
This year, to better support the over 200 students at Fuller taking the assessment, the school day will be on a delay start on January 28&29. Students taking ACCESS will arrive at school at their regularly scheduled time and will have breakfast before taking their assessment. Buses will run on their normal schedules for these students. There will be a later bus run for all students who are not taking the assessment; students who are not taking the assessment will begin their day at 11:00am and lunch will be served to all students.
Delayed Starts and ACCESS Testing 1/28 and 1/29
Some of our students will be participating in Access Testing on January 28th and January 29th. For those students who are not taking the tests, there will be a delayed start with the school day starting at 11 a.m. If your student rides a bus, the bus will pick up at their normal bus stop 3 to 3.5 hours later than the normal pick up time. Lunch will be served for all students.
If your student is taking the test, here are some helpful tips!
Eat breakfast the day of the test.
Pack your school bag the night before and lay out your clothes.
Get a good night’s sleep.
Set an alarm for the morning so your student doesn’t feel rushed.
Good luck to all of our students who are taking the tests this week! You’ve got this! Please see this informational newsletter about the ACCESS Testing here: https://secure.smore.com/n/yr9bg-access-2025-test
We will be sending out more details as we approach the date of the assessment.
Thank you to Wendel De Oliveira for co-hosting Fuller's morning announcements last week.
This week we will be joined by mystery Fuller Faculty members for morning announcements.
Fuller Middle School PTO is excited to be launching a fundraising effort to support our 8th graders this year. Funds raised will be used for end-of-year activities including: field trip, dinner-dance, yearbook & t-shirt signing event as well as other celebrations during the school year.
This is a great way to support students and get your car cleaned, just in time for the winter season (goodbye salt & sand on your vehicles)!
Thank you in advance for your consideration to support our ongoing commitment to our wonderful 8th graders!
Please note:
- The minimum donation is only $10!
- You will receive a car wash voucher for every $10 you donate!
Local ScrubaDubs:
- Rt 9 West Framingham: 1181 Worcester Road
- Rt 9 East Natick: 172 Worcester Street
Other locations in Massachusetts (15 in total), New Hampshire, Maine & Rhode Island
1. Download the App
2. Select your school: Fuller Middle School
3. Start scanning / link your Walmart account
School doors open at 7:55 am. Please do not drop your child off at school before 7:55 am.
Please use the map above to see where student drop off/pickup is located. Please remember to only use the designated area when dropping off or picking up your child; this is for the safety of all of our students. Students should only cross Flagg Drive at the marked crosswalks. If you will be dropping off or picking up your child, please follow the traffic pattern. For the safety of all students, vehicles are not allowed in the circle in front of the school from 7:30 - 8:15 and 2:00 - 3:00. This is to allow the buses to safely drop off and pick up students. Students will be dropped off and picked up in the large parking lot nearest to the fields. Staff members will be present to assist students.
We are asking anyone dropping off or picking up a student at Fuller MS to only make a right turn into the parking lot and a right turn out of the parking lot. We are hoping this will help with traffic picking up/dropping off at McCarthy.
Remember, you can only pick up and drop off your child(ren) in the main Fuller parking lot.
If you have not already signed and turned these contracts in, please do so as soon as possible.
The school day begins promptly at 8:08 every morning; attendance is taken in Homeroom.Students must not arrive to school before 7:55; school doors open at 7:55.
Breakfast is served from 7:55-8:08.
The school day ends at 2:25.
Good Evening!
As we kick off the new school year, we are thrilled to announce the return of Flyers After School! For all the details, please check out the S'more link below. Once you're on the page, simply click the Fuller Middle School button to access all the information about Fuller Flyers. We’re excited to collaborate with you and make this year a fantastic experience for everyone!
Click Here
¡Buenas tardes!
Con el inicio del nuevo año escolar, estamos encantados de anunciar el regreso de Flyers After School. Para obtener toda la información, consulte el S'more enlazado a continuación. Una vez que esté en la página, simplemente haga clic en el botón de Fuller Middle School para acceder a toda la información sobre Fuller Flyers. ¡Estamos emocionados de colaborar con ustedes y hacer de este año una experiencia fantástica para todos!
Click Here
Boa noite!
Com o início do novo ano letivo, estamos animados em anunciar o retorno do Flyers After School! Para mais informações, consulte o S'more abaixo. Quando estiver na página, clique no botão Fuller Middle School para acessar todas as informações sobre o Fuller Flyers. Estamos ansiosos para colaborar com vocês e tornar este ano uma experiência fantástica para todos!
Click Here
Haley Dwinell
We have ordered school supplies for all students at Fuller Middle School. Families do not need to purchase school supplies for their children who attend Framingham Public Schools. Teachers will not send a supply list out to families.
6th grade and new students will receive their newly assigned Chromebooks on the first day of school through their homeroom teachers. 7th and 8th grade students who previously attended any Framingham Public School must bring their fully charged Chromebook to school on the first day. Once a Chromebook is assigned to a student, the Chromebook is their responsibility throughout secondary school (grades 6-12). Students are expected to be responsible for their Chromebook, to bring their Chromebook to school fully charged every day, and to bring their Chromebook to the school office if their Chromebook is not working properly (we will have it fixed and give a loaner to the student while it is being repaired).
We have a very limited supply of loaner Chromebooks, so these are only given to students whose Chromebook is being repaired. Middle School students are expected to be responsible for their Chromebooks and to be ready to learn at school every day.
Cell phones can be a major distraction for many of our students. Please speak to your child about making sure they keep their cell phone, smart watch, and earbuds/AirPods silenced in their locker or backpack. Each classroom has a place where students can put their cell phones if they are not able to keep them in their locker or backpack. Cell phones are not allowed to be used in the classrooms, the hallways, or the bathrooms. Additionally, it is prohibited for students to take pictures or videos of anyone (including themselves) in school.
- If a student has their cell phone out or have earbuds/AirPods in during the school day, we will hold the cell phone in the office until the end of the school day.
- If a student continues to struggle with following this expectation, we will require a parent or guardian to pick up the cell phone from the school. The school will notify home.
Please help us keep your child focused on learning by either keeping their cell phone at home or talking to them about putting away their cell phone and earbuds/AirPods during the school day*. If you need to reach your child, please call the main office at 508-620-4956.
If your child needs to reach you, they can come to the main office to call or text you.
*Unless a student is using a cell phone for medical reasons.
1. Since the weather will still be warm when we return to school, we are asking that all students come to school dressed in school appropriate clothing. Fuller is air conditioned, so there should be no reason for students to come to school in beach wear. This includes sunglasses. We are asking for these items to stay at home. Students cannot wear clothing representing alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, or pornography. We understand that there are popular stores selling these items of clothing, but we will need to ask students to change or to turn the item of clothing inside-out if it is worn to school.
2. ID Badges: All students will be given an ID badge attached to a safety lanyard; students must wear their badges at all times and use the lanyard that they are given. If a student's badge or lanyard breaks, they should go to the main office for a replacement.
3. The following items are not allowed during school hours at school without permission:
- Coffee and Caffeinated Drinks: This includes all types of caffeinated beverages such as Monster drinks and Dunkin Donuts/Starbucks.
- We do not accept food deliveries.
Cell phones, Airpods, and smart watches are not allowed during school hours. If students bring these items to school, they will need to be put away in lockers or backpacks before entering the school.
Electronic games or devices, laser pens or pointers, cameras, video cameras. (Taking pictures or videos of students and staff is not permitted in school or on buses.)
Pokemon cards or other trading cards
Skateboards/sneakers with built-in wheels.
3. Bringing the following items could result in a suspension or expulsion, and in some cases will be reported to the police and/or fire department.
Squirt guns, water guns, air guns, cap guns, etc. - anything that looks like a gun is not allowed in school.
Lighters, matches or lighting devices, alcohol, illegal drugs, counterfeit drugs, drug paraphernalia, tobacco (chewing or smoking, such as cigarettes and vaping devices).
Weapons, knives (including pocket or utility knives), fireworks, stink bombs.
Other devices that may create a disruption or potentially be a safety risk (i.e. shock delivering devices).
Free breakfast and lunch is available for all students this year. Students will use their ID card when going through the cafeteria line. Students will be expected to wear their ID cards on their lanyard during the school day.
We love when families and caregivers become involved at Fuller MS. It takes everyone working together to support all of our students. If you have any questions about the PTO or would to volunteer for the PTO, please reach out to Jonna Rubin at fullerpto@gmail.com.
If you would like to join our School Council or volunteer to help out at the school, please reach out directly to me at kwood@framingham.k12.ma.us. This year Fuller's School Counsel will be working on ways to enhance family engagement and two-way communication. I am looking for caregivers and students to join the School Council to help us with this work; your input and ideas are invaluable.
School Council Meetings: 6:00-7:00 PM
PTO Meetings: 7:00-8:00 PM
Monthly Meeting Dates (the 2nd Monday of the month):
October 21, 2024
November 18, 2024
December 9, 2024
January 13, 2025
February 10, 2025
March 10, 2025
April 14, 2025
May 12, 2025
June 9, 2025
Fuller Middle School Principal
"You cannot call yourself a 'culturally responsive' educator if your purpose is to raise test scores rather than to liberate young people's spirits and ignite their intellectual curiosity" ~ Zaretta Hammond
Kerry Wood
Kerry is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters